Building Consent
It is the owner's responsibility to obtain consents for building work. Often architects and draughtsmen will obtain these for clients during the planning process.
Builing consents include mandatory building inspections through the renovation. Bungalow & Villa Renovation Specialists can help to make this part of the building consent process run semlessly.
Most building work requires a consent.
There are a few minor exceptions and these set out in Schedule 1 of the Building Act. For example, decks under 1m in height and retaining walls less than 1.5m high that do not support any surcharge or any additional load such as vehicles on a road do not require a building consent.
Fees for consents vary according to the complexity and dollar value of the project.
When the consent application is submitted, an initial deposit for processing and inspections is required.
Talk to us now on 09 629 0366 or email us about your building consent.